School regulations


  • The grades are evaluated as midterm exam, final exam, and homework.
  • The midterm exam will be held for 2 days on week 5 and the final exam will be held for 2 days on week 9.

Exam schedule
Day 1 Review 09:10 ~ 09:30 (20min)
Writing 09:40 ~ 10:40 (60min)
Vocabulary and Structure 10:50 ~ 11:50 (60min)
Reading 12:00 ~ 13:00 (60min)
Day 2 Listening 09:10 ~ 10:15 (65min)
Speaking 10:30 ~ 13:00 (135min)
Percentage of Part
Percentage of Part
  Speaking Listening Reading Writing Vocabulary and Structure Homework Total
Level 1 20% 20% 20% 15% 15% 10% 100%
Level 2 20% 20% 20% 15% 15% 10% 100%
Level 3 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% 5% 100%
Level 4 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% 5% 100%
Level 5 20% 20% 20% 20% 15% 5% 100%
Level 6 35% 15% 15% 15% 15% 5% 100%

Speaking test for level 5 is made up 5% presentation.

Speaking test for level 6 is made up of 20% project presentation.

If cheating is detected during the test, the part will be treated as zero points.


  • Students have to be present for at least 40 days out of total 50 days of class to pass(complete) the level.
  • Three tardies or early-leaves is equivalent to one absence.
  • Attendance will be checked right at the beginning of each class. Students arriving after this time will be marked as late.
  • Official absence can be accepted only 6 times per semester. Acceptable reasons for absence: family events, illness, business trips, university entrance exams, etc. Absence is only officially accepted when an official document proving your absence can be submitted.

Passing the level

  • Students must achieve an average grade of 70 (mid-term and final exams combined) at least to pass to the next level.
  • Students cannot pass, even if the average grade is not lower than 70, if they fail to achieve a grade of 60 in any areas of assessment (vocabulary & structure, reading, writing, speaking, listening).
  • Cheating in the test will result in nullification of the test result.


  • Qualification for graduation: Completing minimum 3 levels at ELC including level 6.

Guidelines for Classroom Etiquette

  • Please do not speak in your native language in class.
  • Follow common courtesies in class.
    ex) turning off the mobile phone, no-smoking inside, eating food or taking a nap only during break, not recording lessons unless permitted.
  • Students who misbehave during lessons or disturb their classmates may not be allowed to re-register for the next semester.


    • If a student is absent without notice for at least 10 consecutive times, or engages in economic activities or any other activities for purposes other than Korean language training without permission from school, the training will be cancelled, and the student will not be able to attend classes.

    Absence without excuse: a case of absence when a student does not notify his/her teacher or the administration office of the reason for absence.

  • Expulsion Regulations

- Students without D-4 Visa : If the attendance rate is below 50% (25 out of 50 classes, excluding excused absences), the student will be expelled, and expelled students cannot receive refunds and cannot register for next semester.

- D-4 Visa holders : If the number of absence reaches 15 times or 10 consecutive times without notice, D-4 visa will be cancelled and student has to leave the country within 15 days. Expelled students cannot receive refunds and cannot register for next semester.