
Program Introduction

Advanced Korean Program is for those who aim to develop Korean language skills necessary for professional usage and to understand Korean society and culture in a deeper level. Through the program, you will be able to cultivate abilities to express opinions logically on social and other abstract issues. It will also help you develop fluent communication skills in Korean by improving your overall language abilities needed in job market and academia.


The class of Korean Advanced Program are taught using actual materials such as 『유학생을 위한 대학한국어 2 (듣기ㆍ말하기)』, 『글쓰기의 실제』 as well as news and TV programs for the topics students are interested in. This class is conducted in depth by conducting practical tasks such as discussions and presentations to help students prepare for higher learning and get a job.

Course Details
Strategic listening and speaking class & Reading and writing practical articles
  • Strategic learning to listen lectures effectively
  • Strategic speaking learning in terms of presentation and discussion strategic
  • Reading and writing practical articles suitable for academic purposes, such as reports and summaries.
Discussion class with 'TV Korean' and 'Current events Korean'
  • Discussion activity on Korean socio-cultural topics using various TV programs and news.
  • Development intercultural skills to understand other countries' cultures